USDA Assures Bird Flu is Being Contained as Web Site Reports 26+ new cases in California this Morning
USDA: Slowdown in detections suggests bird flu is being contained in cattle (
California - Avian flu in mammals and livestock 2024 - FluTrackers News and Information - pay attention to post #’s 42 and 43 - as of this morning NVSL has confirmed 82 positive herds in California; however, the last herd is listed as CA102, indicating several “gap herds” submitted but yet to be confirmed.
So, we have gone from roughly 56 to likely over 100 infected herds in California in a few days, while USDA claims “bird flu is being contained in cattle”, based on bulk tank testing (in CO) that defines away low-level infections through lowering of CT cut-offs: Where are We At? It's in the (Bulk) Tank (
I don’t think USDA assurance of “Containment” in the Ag press will wear well…